Our manufacturing plant


Our manufacturing and packaging facilities are located a few meters from the offices, in the Polígono Industrial Can Mora in Sant Antoni de Vilamajor. We control the entire production process, from the preparation and mixing of the most sensitive ingredients, to its completion and packaging.


At the end of 2020, we completed the project to expand and improve our manufacturing facilities, which began in 2019. These renovations have allowed us to multiply our production capacity, while significantly improving quality standardization.


Our factory is designed to give a rapid response to very diverse manufacturing demands in terms of characteristics and quantity. From a small batch of a special "crop milk", to large batches of foods or hand feeding formulas for large consumption.

One of the fundamental characteristics of most of our products is that they have received a heat treatment; either the ingredients themselves, or the joint mixture of them through the extrusion process. Extrusion is an industrial process that consists of subjecting the previously moistened flour mixture to high pressure and temperature conditions for a short period of time. Under these conditions, the starch gelatinizes, improving its digestibility very substantially. This "cooking" also improves the digestibility of the protein. Likewise, these circumstances allow the elimination of anti-nutritional factors (very typical of legumes, for example) and the complete sterilization of the product. This heat treatment partially destroys some heat-sensitive vitamins and amino acids, so it is necessary to add them back in the coating once the feed has already dried and cooled. At the end of the process we obtain an extremely nutritious food, highly palatable and absolutely safe from a health point of view.

It is important to point out that at Psittacus Catalonia we follow a stable formulation criterion; that is to say, that the formulas are not systematically adjusted based on the evolution of market prices (normal practice in the sector). Once a specific formulation has been chosen, which responds to the stated needs, it is maintained indefinitely. We only occasionally adjust the formulas in exceptional circumstances or when it is considered appropriate to incorporate an improvement. We also consider it important to highlight the fact that we only use noble, non-transgenic (NO GMO) ingredients, that we do not use any type of dye and that the antioxidants that the formulas must necessarily contain are of natural origin.

Our current manufacturing facilities allow us to face with guarantees the sustained growth that PSITTACUS maintains in the international market.