





General information

SERINUS products are aimed at feeding granivorous passerines (particularly canaries). They are complete foods with compositions that emulate the nutritional composition of the fraction actually consumed from ancestral diets. The foods allow to get optimal results through extremely simple feeding management of adult birds based on complete food, flint grit, calcium grit and water. The eggfoods and the Microspheres greatly facilitate the chick-rearing job carried out by the parents.The hand feeding formulas allow to improve the development of weak or excessively numerous broods, and even artificially complete the rearing of the young until emancipation if necessary.

Serinus catalog

It mainly includes complete foods, that is, that contain all the required nutrients by the birds to which they are directed. These requirements differ substantially according to the age and the target animal. Unlike what happens in seed mixtures, each portion of food that the bird ingests contains all the nutrients it needs and in the right proportions.
They are very palatable and have been designed to be supplied as a sole and exclusive food.

Nutritional composition table
Advantages of SERINUS

The advantages of using our products are multiple:
They greatly simplify the management of the breeding centre, minimizing the time required for food distribution and cleaning. The amount of environmental dust is reduced.
They improve the health status of the birds and their resistance to diseases.
They minimize the need for pharmacological treatments.
They improve reproductive results (number of eggs, fertility, viability of eggs and chicks).
They eliminate the risks inherent in seed mixtures.

Our proposal

Select the most suitable food formula for the birds you want to feed. Always keep the food freely available to the birds. Keep Silex Grit permanently available to the birds in a separate feeder. The ingestion of flint sand guarantees the correct functioning of the gizzard and the digestive system in general. Make sure that the birds have our Serinus Calcum Grit at their disposal at the time of egg-laying and in groups of young animals (birds will only consume it at specific times when their calcium requirements are superior to the contributions of the diet). Take advantage of the benefits offered by the supply of hand feeding formula to weak or excessively numerous broods.

The various SERINUS food formulas have been designed for optimal nutrition of adult and juvenile birds. These are complete foods in which each portion contains all the necessary nutrients for the birds for which they are intended. The range includes foods for breeding, maintenance and moulting. It is important to select the most suitable diet for each moment. For example, the nutritional requirements of a canary in the stage of reproductive rest have little to do with those of another canary in the process of molting. Additionally, the range includes formulas with extremely low levels of carotenoids and xanthophylls, especially suitable for breeds in which it is desired to avoid the “dorée” phenomenon.
The hand feeding formulas of the SERINUS range have been designed for the hand-rearing of chicks and allow them to achieve the high growth rates that they require for their optimum well-being. In newborn chicks or few days old, the supply of crop milk is recommended. The rest of the hand feeding formulas are designed to support older chicks. The range incorporates hand feeding formulas with extremely low levels of carotenoids and xanthophylls, especially suitable for breeds in which the "dorée" phenomenon is to be avoided.
SERINUS eggfoods are specially designed to supplement the diet of breeding pairs during the chick-feeding stage. Their contribution stimulates to the feeding of the chicks. Depending on the way they are supplied, eggfoods are classified as Soft and Dry. Dry eggfoods have been designed to be mixed with hydrated Microspheres or some other food that provides them with moisture. Soft eggfoods can be fed directly to birds even as a supplement to a diet based on seed mixtures. All 'white' pastas contain extremely low levels of carotenoids and xanthophylls, thus ensuring that they do not give rise to the 'dorée' phenomenon.
The products included in this category make it possible to cover needs that cannot be completely covered through the feed, or those that inherently are not usually covered in diets based on mixtures of seeds. This is for example the case of flint sand or calcium grit. Our foods contain flint sand and calcium sources, but only in adequate amounts to cover the bird's usual needs. In order for the birds to be able to self-regulate and cover their real needs more precisely, it is essential that they have Silex Grit and Calcium Grit permanently at their disposal. Other complements have been designed to facilitate the preparation of sprouts.
Soft tubes for hand feeding and corn cob bedding are tools that facilitate the work of keepers and improve the well-being of the birds. It is important to select the most suitable soft tube model based on the size of the chick to be fed.
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